rocaml -- расширения для Ruby на OCaml
От: eao197 Беларусь
Дата: 17.10.07 21:26
Оценка: 8 (1)
Вот, появилось в новостях:

rocaml: fast, easy Ruby extensions in Objective Caml allows you to write Ruby extensions in Objective Caml.

Developing Ruby extensions with rocaml is easier and more convenient than writing a plain old C extension because rocaml performs Ruby<->OCaml conversions for a wide range of types, including abstract types and arrays, tuples, variants and records of values of any supported type (e.g. arrays of arrays of variants of tuples of ...). Moreover, exceptions raised in the OCaml code are captured by the generated extension and raised inside Ruby.

SObjectizer: <микро>Агентно-ориентированное программирование на C++.
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