Re: Opensouce IDEA и конец NetBeans
От: LeonidV Ниоткуда
Дата: 15.10.09 17:27
LV>1. До зимы IDEA переводится на OpenSource (по крайне мере какая-то часть) в виде Community Edition; — похоже, что уже не так чтобы и слух.

Of course, it doesn't include all of the Ultimate functionality — but it does include everything you need for doing core Java and Groovy development. JUnit and TestNG, Ant and Maven, CVS, Subversion and Git — all these tools are included in the Community Edition.

All the other functionality — JavaScript and CSS, Java EE, Spring and Hibernate, support for application servers and commercial version control tools, and everything else — is only available in the Ultimate edition. The pricing and upgrade policy of IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate remains the same as for IDEA 8. And of course, the EAP program still continues, and we've got a new EAP build for you today. — простой способ настройки JVM
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