Senior Java Developer, Дубна Мос.обл., $2500 gross, удаленка
От: Baudolino  
Дата: 15.01.10 12:28
Географическая привязка удаленки — в связи с перспективами открытия офиса в г.Дубна. Иногородним кандидатам пока ничего не предлагаем , но с учетом аренды жилья и транспортных расходов зарплата примерно соответствует московским $3000 и выше.
Нас интересуют кандидаты, способные прочитать, правильно понять и соотнести со своими возможностями следующий текст:
Small american company seeks for an experienced Java developer on a full-time job. We develop software for market leaders from Fortune 500 and governments in wide areas of applications — from bioinformatics to aerospace.

We want to see:
* good English and communication skills
* at least 5 years of experience in software development, with at least 2 years on Java
* perfect knowledge of Java SE 6 platform (lang, collections, concurrency, nio, jdbc, xml)
* experience in server-side and web development (Spring, JPA, Servlet/JSP, RESTful web services)
* experience in relational databases (MySQL)
* knowledge of common software development practices, tools and methodologies (UML diagrams, refactoring, version control and bug tracking systems etc)
* ability and readiness to write fast, dirty prototypes using best open-source solutions and not using NIH principle
* knowledge of Grails is a plus

We offer:
* interesting remote 40 hr/week job by contract (you must have good computer with fast internet)
* $2500 gross every month on your bank account (we will help you to prepare a tax declaration)

Please, email your cv and questions to
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