Re[4]: Интервью с Джо Даффи. Потоки в .NET
От: Didro Россия home~pages
Дата: 20.04.07 21:14
VD>Сейчас МС во всю копает в области языков. Поддерживают разные проекты в этой области.

VD>Ну, а в области параллелизма все как и 20 лет назад. Ничего нового. Языки 95-ого года выхода имеют и то большую поддержку параллелизма. А залихватски Дафни несут откровенный бред.

Понимая, что особо это свет на ситуацию не пройлёт, задал, ради интереса, подобный вопрос(куда смотрела MS, когда они делали .NET Threading Library) самому Дафни:

Hello, could you explain why some "useful abstractions (to have it available “out of the box”)" were not included in .NET FW Threading library.

You note, that it is the main weakness of .NET Threading, and point to the way to correct it — developers should base new (their own) abstrations on "approved .NET basic threading building blocks"... but why does the level of abstraction of .NET Threading so low ?

What is the cause of that ".NET threading is a very low-level" ?

Thank you.
Alexander Petrov
Hi Alexander, I think the reason is just that having these higher level coordination primitives have never been as high a priority as it is now. It seems obvious with multicore everywhere that we need them, but hindsight is 20/20. My only hope is that the current situation gets better... relatively soon.
Joe Duffy

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